Mikołaj Pasiński, born 1982 in Opole. Author of comics and children’s books, UX designer, graphic designer, collage artist. Lives and works in Wrocław. My books have been published in fifteen countries and received distinctions from the IBBY Honor List, PGD Awards, PTWK (The Most Beautiful Polish Books), the Children’s Book Museum, the Żółta Ciżemka Award and the main award Świat Przyjazny Dziecku.
Contact me: mikolaj.pasinski@gmail.com
I’m represented by wonderful Karolina from Kabooks
Fertility, written by Mikołaj Pasiński and Gosia Herba
Elephant on the moon, written by Mikołaj Pasiński and Gosia Herba
Balonowa 5, written by Mikołaj Pasiński, illustrated by Gosia Herba
Van Dog, written by Mikołaj Pasiński, illustrated by Gosia Herba
No one is home, written by Mikołaj Pasiński, illustrated by Gosia Herba
Publishers and clients:
Achse Verlag | Saltimbanque Éditions | Latvijas Mediji | Verlag Antje Kunstmann | Marsik Yayincilik | Becco Giallo | Hsinex | Editora Piu | Greystone Books | Milky Way Picture Books | Dandelion Books Beijing | Éditions La Joie de lire | Thule Ediciones | Harper Collins | Egmont | Centrala | Matilda Editrice | Wolno | Warstwy | Znak Emotikon | Dwie Siostry | Biuro Literackie
Gosia Herba
Agnieszka Sejud
Maria Dek
Cut and Space
Ola Szmida