Where did the famous rapper, Lil’ Mouse, leave his hat? Whose snoring is heard in the whole house? Whose marble sculpture is carved by a talented Dog? Who else lives at Balonowa 5? Residents of the tenement house invite you to visit!
“Balonowa 5” is a richly illustrated book about crazy residents of a tenement house. Interesting and funny stories illustrated with fantastic graphics by Gosia Herba will make children get caught up in the story.
Written and designed by Mikołaj Pasiński
Illustrated by Gosia Herba
Published in Poland by Art Egmont 2019
Hardcover edition
Volume: 48 pages
Font used: Tara Regular 14pt/20pt
The book was printed on Arctic Volume 130g paper

Finalist of 2019 Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition

Honorable mention in the 2019 Book of the Year competition organized by the Polish section of iBbY.